Hot Stone Back Massage 

€85 (40 mins)

Heated volcanic basalt stones have been used for a millennia to ease out tired, tense aching muscles. They are said to hold healing qualities, which is why ancient tribes would use them in every treatment they carried out.

This treatment involves both manual massage techniques and massage with the heated stones. The stones allow your therapist to work deeper into the muscle fibres without it being as painful as a deep tissue massage, but you still get the same benefits. It allows the muscles to relax into their natural resting position allowing free movement, less pain, and better flexibility in that area. This treatment is ideal for anyone suffering from back trouble, from a stiff neck, to aches in the lower back.

Your therapist will apply massage oil to your skin and warm up the body using effective massage moves. Once the muscles have been warmed up, your therapist will begin work with the hot stones, paying attention to any areas of concern on the body. Once the treatment is over, most clients say that they feel like they are “floating on air,” that they feel a significant reduction in pain or stiffness, and feel much freer in their movements.

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