Lymphatic Drainage Massage 

Lower Body (Tummy + Legs + Feet)

The client is lying down on their back.

Start pumping lymph nodes – inguinal, popliteal, ankle, and feet (8 times each) lightly and very slowly 


  • Pump iliac crest lymph nodes 8x 
  • Pump xiphoid 8x (with breathing) 
  • Effleurage lower tummy towards iliac crest 4x / pump iliac crest 8x 
  • Press / decompress lower tummy towards iliac crest 4x / pump iliac crest 8x 
  • Effleurage upper tummy zones 1, 2 and 3 towards the sides and then up till the armpit 4x each zone / pump armpit 8x 
  • Press / decompress upper tummy zones 1,2 and 3 towards the sides and then up till the armpit 4x each zone / pump armpit 8x 


  • Pump inguinal 8x 
  • Effleurage thigh  zone 1,2,3 and 4 towards inguinal 4x each zone / pump inguinal 8x 
  • Press / decompress thigh zone 1,2,3 and 4 towards inguinal 4x each zone / pump inguinal 8x 
  • Bracelet thigh towards inguinal 1x  
  • Pump popliteal 8x 
  • Effleurage knee zone 1 and 2 towards popliteal 4x each zone / pump popliteal 8x 
  • Press / decompress knee zone 1 and 2 towards popliteal / pump popliteal 8x  
  • Bracelet leg 15/20x towards popliteal / pump popliteal 8x 
  • Pump ankle 8x 
  • Effleurage foot towards ankle 4x / pump ankle 8x 
  • Press / decompress foot towards ankle 4x / pump ankle 8x  
  • Bracelet foot towards ankle 4x / pump ankle 8x 
  • Bracelet full leg towards inguinal / pump inguinal 8x  
  • Repeat on other leg  

Upper Body (Hands + Arms , Upper Breast, Face)

The client laying down on their back  

Start pumping lymph nodes – inguinal, armpit,  sub clavicular (8x each) lightly and very slowly   


  • Pump armpit lymph nodes 8x 
  • Effleurage zones 1 and 2 – 10x  / pump armpit 8x
  • Press/decompress zones 1, 2 , 3 and 4 – 10x / pump armpit 8x
  • Bracelet zones 1, 2 , 3 and 4 – 10x / pump armpit 8x 


  • Pump arm crease lymph nodes 8x 
  • Effleurage proximal 5x
  • Effleurage distal 5x / pump arm crease 5x
  • Press/decompress 5x proximal
  • Press/ decompress distal 5x / pump arm crease 10x
  • Bracelet proximal 5x
  • Bracelet distal 5x / pump arm crease 10x 


  • place client’s hand on therapist’s – palms together
  • mobilize the styloid process – bones near the wrist 
  • effleurage the hand 4x + pump wrist 8x
  • the last one goes to the arm crease and pump there 8x
  • friction between the metatarsals
  • therapist glides 5 fingers to client’s each finger until their knuckles 
  • efleurage the hand 4x 
  • the last goes to the shoulder then pump armpit 8x 


  • Pump lymph nodes up/low clavicular  
  • Effleurage each side of the upper breast towards clavicula 5x / pump 8x
  • Press/decompress each side of the upper breast towards clavicula 5x / pump 8x 


  • Start pumping chin, submandibular, auricular and occipital lymph nodes 
  • Effleurage from occipital to sub/up clavicular 5x / pump clavicular 8x
  • With your thumbs alternating move lymph from chin down to submandibular 8x / pump chin lymph nodes
  • Effleurage chin towards the ears 5x / pump ear lymph nodes 8x
  • Press/decompress chin towards the ears 5x / pump ear lymph nodes 8x
  • Effleurage Jaw towards the ears 5x / pump ear lymph nodes 8x
  • Press/Decompress Jaw towards the ears / pump ear lymph node 8x
  • Press lips with thumbs and first fingers squeeze them softly and move lymph towards ears 5x / pump ear lymph nodes 8x
  • With four fingers inclined effleurage from the curve of the nose to ears 5x / pump ear lymph nodes 8x
  • With four fingers press/decompress from the curve of the nose to the ears 5x / pump ear lymph nodes 8x
  • With four fingers effleurage from middle of the nose to ears 5x / pump ear lymph nodes 8x
  • With four fingers press/decompress from middle of the nose to the ears 5x / pump ear lymph nodes 8x
  • With both thumbs and first finger make a mask around the eyes closing at the edge 5x
  • Effleurage both eyebrows 5x 
  • Effleurage forehead alternating baby fingers from eyebrows to the line of the hair 5x 
  • Effleurage forehead with four fingers from the middle to the edge 5x
  • Press/decompress forehead from the middle to the edge 5x 
  • Last movement take lymph to the ears / pump ears lymph nodes 8x
  • Move lymph from the ears towards the submandibular 5x / pump submandibular lymph nodes 8x
  • Move lymph from the submandibular lymph nodes towards clavicular lymph nodes / pump clavicular 8x 

To ensure you are suitable for this treatment, click here.